Original domain setting: .com, .net, .jp, .co, jp, vs, Japanese domain eg (https://www.??????.com)
Security, server management: Set necessary for maintenance, backup, and operation
Business hours / holiday setting function: Reject orders for holidays, holidays, and after hours
Delivery area limited function: You can reject orders outside the delivery area and display the map,
Minimum order amount (shipping setting) Function: You can prevent orders for side menus and drinks only
Real-time delivery time display: When you are busy You can change the waiting time accordingly
Example: Current delivery time: 35 minutes. Listed on the store side and customer's order list
Overtime order refusal function: Stops orders during non-delivery hours and holidays
Foreign language function: Foreign country living in Japan You can also order from people
SEO optimazation: (displayed at the top of the page) It takes from January to March
Cash exchange, credit card payment: (uniform 3.7% no transfer fee), paypay, QR payment can be used.